Our Discography



Discover explosive tracks, including our latest single, and feast your ears on our treasure trove of good music. We have a busy release schedule for the rest of 2024 and some big name surprises that will absolutely BLOW YOUR MIND!

RCR 001 - Regicidal Resonance - 30th January
RCR 003 Bright Shade - TBA
RCR 005 - Bass In A Bottle - TBA
RCR 007 - Gimme The Flute - TBA
RCR 002 - I Woke Up Feeling No - TBA
RCR 004 - Supersonic Resolution - TBA
RCR 006 Call It Dandelions - TBA
RCR 008 - Abstract Cupcake - TBA

Available On All Platforms


Our first release is Regicidal Resonance, by Reggie C. Available on all platforms 30th January 2024.

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